Elevate Your Cocktail Rims
Get creative with your cocktail rims with these fun ideas.
When it comes to garnishing a cocktail, adding a rim to your glass is a simple and effective way to get your drink looking more complete, and has the added benefit of providing even more flavor with every sip. We've got a couple tips for getting your cocktail rim just right!
Get Creative. Salt isn't the only thing that can be used. If you've got a spice rack at home, or a collection of tea leaves, you have plenty to work with. Also get creative with your liquid sticking agent. Like spicy Bloody Marys? Try using hot sauce! Dessert Martinis? Use condensed milk!
The finer the grain, the more you will taste it. Rather than using table salt and granulated sugar, we recommend coarser and thicker items like sea salt or evaporated cane sugar. If you only have fine grained items on hand, try mixing in multiple items to balance out flavor.
The larger the size of the product you want on the rim, the thicker the liquid that you're using to stick it should be. Most standard sugar and salt rims will work perfectly with lemon, lime, or grapefruit juice, but if you're using something like crushed candy cane chunks or Nerds candy, you'll need a stronger and thicker liquid. Try using syrups, honey, or liqueurs, or use sugar to make things like hot sauce thicker.